✨ Transforms Filters: Focus or exclude factors

Focus on specific factors

You can focus on just one or more specific factors within your map (and the factors directly linked to them) like this:
notion image
The factors which match the filter are shown with a thicker light-blue border.
As with
✨ Transforms Filters: Tracing paths
, you can specify how many steps down (or up) you want to show beyond the factor(s) you focus on.
As with
✨ Transforms Filters: Tracing paths
, you can switch the toggle to trace only complete stories told by individual sources. See
✨ Transforms Filters: Tracing paths
for more information.
Switch the Match anywhere toggle off to only match the exact factor(s) you type or switch it on to match any part of what you type.
As always, the order of your filters matters. In the illustration we have dragged the Focus filter to the top. That’s why Increased Knowledge is outlined in blue, because there are some factors like Increased Knowledge; farming and further down in this panel is the Zoom filter which collapses those factors inside Increased Knowledge.