✨ Transforms Filters: Collapse factors

Collapse factors

You can temporarily collapse all factors containing a search term into one.
These text searches are CASE SENSITIVE!
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All the corresponding factors are collapsed into one factor which is now labelled with the search term.

Multiple search terms, combining results

You can put more than one search term, like this:
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Multiple search terms with separate results

Or if you want to keep the results separate:
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The factors which match the filter are shown with a thicker purple border.

Multiple search terms with OR and separate results

The previous strategy won’t work if you want to search for Food OR Diet on the one hand and Income OR money on the other, and to keep these two separate. So you can literally use OR instead. Make sure to put a space on each side.
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As these searches are case-sensitive, this trick can be useful to capture both Health and health.
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