The Responses tab

The Responses tab

This tab records all interactions with the AI
  • Auto coding
  • Sentiment coding
  • Answers
so that you can
  • monitor your costs
  • study what effect your prompts had
  • load previous prompts into the Autocoding prompt box.
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  • This file toggles between viewing responses only for the current files or all files to which you have access
  • You can search and sort the top table as usual
  • If you click on a row, it will get loaded in the windows below.
  • Not all the fields are filed in currently.
When doing autocoding, you may find several new prompts and responses in the Responses tab every time you run an autocode if you sent several batches and/or used multiple steps.
You can click through them, either by clicking on the table rows or by using the arrows in the pager.
The middle pair of arrows click through individual prompts while the outer pair takes you to the next or previous different prompt.
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The button with large arrows at far left transfers the current prompt to the autocoding window.
Note that this currently transfers all the prompt including any text for analysis. You will almost certainly want to delete this additional text.
At the moment you should also keep your own independent record of your work and your main prompts.