❓ The Questions Table

The Questions Table

See also features in
📊 Tables
which are common to all tables.
You can use this table to display the text, and ID of every question included in your data.


  • question_id. A code which matches the field question_id in the statements table.
  • question_text. The text of each question
When you upload data, you can optionally provide a table of questions., in the questions tab of your Excel file, order to provide longer text for each question (see Uploading data). This information is merged into the information about the links and statements so that you can more easily find questions, for example if you want to filter by question.

Fields in the sources table you upload

  • question_id. A code which is intended to match the field question_id in the statements table.
  • question_text. The full text of the question.
  • lds added by the app
  • in current statements - whether any of the current statements, (i.e. those you selected in the
    🌗 Statements Filters
    ) come from this source.
  • in any statements - whether any of the statements in the file come from this source.
  • in uploaded questions - see below

What is the table for?

The main purpose of the table is to provide additional information about your questions.
By looking at the in current statements and in any statements columns, you can also see which questions are related to the currently filtered statements, or for any statements in the file.

Using the table to check your questions information

This table also gives you a way to check whether the questions data you uploaded in fact correctly corresponds to the question IDs implied by the question IDs listed in the statements table.
This table combines the uploaded information for each question ID with any question IDs implied by the statements table.
This table provides a row and an ID for each question, whether it comes from your uploaded questions data or it is implied by the question ID in
📜 The Statements Table
  • If the question is only implied by the statements table, the column in uploaded sourceswill have a ❌.
  • If the questionis only provided in the uploaded questions table, but does not occur in the statements table, the column in any statementswill have a ❌.

The question IDs in this table will usually correspond to the question IDs in the statements table. So your uploaded question table might just have rows for the question IDs X1 and X2, whereas in your statements table, you have statements with question IDs X2, X3 and X4: these are the implied question IDs. It's up to you to make sure that the IDs match the ids in the statements table.
The uploaded and implied IDs are not always the same. It's quite normal for them to be out of sync.
For more information, see
👥 The Sources Table
which works in the same way.