๐Ÿ“Š Tables

The Tables tab

On this page we look at features common to all the tables
This tab allows you to view and create lots of tables, from a table simply showing the total links to and from each factor to a summary of each respondentโ€™s response to a closed question.
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Clickable cells

If you have the fields link_id, statement_id or source_id in your table, clicking on link_id opens the dialog to edit that link, and clicking on statement_id or source_id filters the statements appropriately.
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If you want to keep things simple click the presets button next to the tables.
The preset button opens a list of views in the library, these links will take you to the most commonly used tables. Once you have clicked on one of these views you will be taken to this table.

Full screen

View your table full-screen by pressing the button with the four outward-pointing arrows:
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Just like the map, the tables respond to the Apply Filters switches on the left.
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The table shows data corresponding to the map as it is currently displayed.
If you want to see all the data in the whole file, switch both the filters off.

๐Ÿฅผ Advanced section (beginners can skip this)


You can search / filter the whole table by typing in the search box. The table will be filtered for anything you type.
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This kind of filter will be saved if you save a view to this table using the library.
You can search individual columns using the filters at the top of each column:
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This kind of filter will be NOT be saved if you save a view to this table using the library.


You can sort the whole table by any column by clicking on the appropriate header:
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Copying and exporting

With the CSV and EXCEL buttons you can download the whole table as currently filtered to csv or xlsx:
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With the COPY button you can copy all of the table as you see it now on the screen to your clipboard so you can paste it into another document, complete with formatting:
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How to construct the three different modes of table (normal, grouped by rows, and grouped by rows and columns).

Using these three modes you can construct a vast variety of different kinds of table.


  • The grouping_rows box is empty
  • You can put as many columns as you want in the Fields box
  • Each row in the table is one link (for the links table) or one statement (for the statements table) etc.
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Grouped by rows

  • You activate this mode by putting a field in the grouping_rows box.
  • A new box appears, labelled How to aggregate the field(s).
  • The rows in the previous (raw data) table are now combined or aggregated into groups. In this case we combine by source ID. So each row shows summaries or aggregates for each field, according to what you set in the aggregation box. So here in the link ID column we can see that source TWX-1 has 45 different links.
  • You can still put as many columns as you want in the Fields box - and remove the ones you donโ€™t want.
  • Each row in the table is one link (for the links table) or one statement (for the statements table) etc.
  • A new box called Pivoting columns has appeared, but we havenโ€™t used it yet โ€ฆ
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Grouped by rows and columns

  • You activate this mode by putting a field in the grouping_rows box as before and then another field in the Pivoting columns box.
  • There can now only be one field in the Fields box, and the data for this field is combined or aggregated by rows and columns. In this case we combine by source ID in the rows and age in the columns, and we are counting the number of unique link ids in each cell of the table.
  • So here in we can see that the links for the source TWX-1 are all in the 20-45 age group.
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The aggregation functions

  • count unique: count the number of different things. So for statement ID, count the number of different statements. Donโ€™t count repeats.
  • count: count the total number of things. So for statement ID, count the number of statements, even if some are repeated.
  • max: numerical maximum
  • min: numerical minimum
  • list: list every single one.